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Hello friends!

Another week another step closer! I am just one chapter away from completing the first rough draft of my very first book! It's been a whirlwind of thoughts, prayers, writing on my days off and in-between times, but here we are, on the cusp of something new and exciting.

What comes next, you ask?

Well, I've been giving that a lot of thought lately. My plan, as it stands, is to move through the next stages with the same faith and flexibility that has brought me this far. Once the first draft is complete, I'll dive into the second draft. This is where the real fun begins—adding content, cutting the fluff, cleaning up my thoughts, and ensuring everything flows consistently. It's like sculpting, starting with a rough block of marble and chiselling away until something special begins to emerge.

After that, a third draft will focus on the finer details: grammar, spelling, and perhaps refining my choice of words. It's all about polishing and preparing it to shine.

But I know that a book, especially one intended impact lives, cannot be born in isolation. That's why I'll be looking for 3-5 keen-eyed readers to provide honest, constructive feedback. If you're interested, stay tuned for how you can be a part of this journey.

Based on the feedback, I'll make adjustments and then... it's off to the publishers! This is where the path may fork—will it lead to traditional publishing, or will I venture into the world of self-publishing? Time will tell, and I'm open to where this adventure leads.

I'm charting this course as I go, friends. I have no roadmap for the path I'm on, but that's part of what makes it so exciting. Your encouragements mean the world to me, and I can't wait to share each step of this journey with you.

My sister sent me this old picture of my dad holding me as a baby.

Was I the original inspiration for 'The Elf on the Shelf?'


First off, a huge Happy 73rd Birthday shoutout to my incredible dad! Your unwavering love and support have been amazing.

I'm excited to share that I’ve reached another milestone – 75% completion of the first draft of my book. The finish line for the first draft is now set for March 15th, ambitiously timed to coincide with the arrival of my daughter and her missions team to Scotland.

However, this goal does come amidst a whirlwind of commitments. This Sunday, I’ll be concluding my teaching series on Abraham at Re:Hope Church. It's been a powerful journey, and I'm gearing up for a seamless transition into a series of special teachings as we move closer to Easter.

Additionally, the calendar is marked for March 12th, when I’ll have the privilege of teaching the book of James at the Scotland Bible School. (Coincidentally, my sister’s birthday.)

With a bustling schedule ahead, I'm leaning into the challenge with gratitude for the support network surrounding me – from my family to my church community and everyone in between. Your encouragement fuels my determination to meet these goals head-on, balancing the demands of teaching, writing, and all the things.

I’m calling on your continued support and prayers as we venture through this packed season together. Every message of encouragement, every prayer, and every bit of support adds strength to my journey.

Pray for me that all will go well, and as I study, write, and speak that God will help me in the most obvious ways.

I've got some exciting news to share from the writing front, and I can't wait to dive into the details with you all. This past week has been a whirlwind of words, ideas, and, yes, a little bit of writer's math (more on that in a bit). I managed to write two more chapters! 🎉

Now, you might be thinking, "That's fantastic progress!" and it is, but here's the quirky part: in the process of wrapping up these chapters, I realised that what was initially intended to be one chapter naturally expanded into two. So, although I technically completed two chapters, it feels like I've just replaced them on my to-do list with two new ones. It's a bit like running on a scenic treadmill – lots of beautiful progress, but the finish line playfully hops a step away each time you get closer.

But hey, who's counting? (Well, I am, a bit.) The important thing is, the first draft is growing, and that's what truly matters.

In more thrilling news, the third section of the book, which I've been anticipating with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, is finally starting to take shape. This is the part I knew would challenge me the most – demanding a hefty dose of restructuring and a sprinkle of redesigning. And guess what? The plan that's emerging is clear, coherent, and, dare I say, pretty darn promising. It's like watching a puzzle you've been pondering over for ages suddenly start fitting together, piece by piece. (Shout out to my daughter and mother and our holiday puzzle building-- see picture above!)

Amidst these writing adventures, I've also been incredibly moved by the support and encouragement from all of you. Recently, I've received two very significant and uplifting prophetic words and visions concerning not just this book but future projects as well.

So, a massive thank you to each and every one of you for your excitement and encouragement. Your support means the world to me.

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