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Lots of Progress...... ???

I've got some exciting news to share from the writing front, and I can't wait to dive into the details with you all. This past week has been a whirlwind of words, ideas, and, yes, a little bit of writer's math (more on that in a bit). I managed to write two more chapters! 🎉

Now, you might be thinking, "That's fantastic progress!" and it is, but here's the quirky part: in the process of wrapping up these chapters, I realised that what was initially intended to be one chapter naturally expanded into two. So, although I technically completed two chapters, it feels like I've just replaced them on my to-do list with two new ones. It's a bit like running on a scenic treadmill – lots of beautiful progress, but the finish line playfully hops a step away each time you get closer.

But hey, who's counting? (Well, I am, a bit.) The important thing is, the first draft is growing, and that's what truly matters.

In more thrilling news, the third section of the book, which I've been anticipating with a mix of excitement and uncertainty, is finally starting to take shape. This is the part I knew would challenge me the most – demanding a hefty dose of restructuring and a sprinkle of redesigning. And guess what? The plan that's emerging is clear, coherent, and, dare I say, pretty darn promising. It's like watching a puzzle you've been pondering over for ages suddenly start fitting together, piece by piece. (Shout out to my daughter and mother and our holiday puzzle building-- see picture above!)

Amidst these writing adventures, I've also been incredibly moved by the support and encouragement from all of you. Recently, I've received two very significant and uplifting prophetic words and visions concerning not just this book but future projects as well.

So, a massive thank you to each and every one of you for your excitement and encouragement. Your support means the world to me.


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