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Hey everyone!

Hope you're all doing wonderfully. I just wanted to pop in and share a little bit of what's been happening in my world recently.

🌟 Special Guest Alert! 🌟

The past two weeks have been so fun and different because my mom's been in town! It's been a while since we last hung out here - Christmas 2018 to be exact. So, you can imagine, this visit felt extra special.

We've been having a blast doing all sorts of things. From playing endless rounds of Uno, exploring more of Scotland, to engaging in some serious puzzle-solving. Oh, and let's not forget the cribbage matches - intense but fun!

One of the highlights for me was taking her around to the different church locations we've started since her last visit. It’s amazing to see her reaction to all the growth and changes.

📚 Book Update: The Plot Thickens 📚

Now, I must confess, with all the fun and games, my book progress took a little bit of a backseat. But hey, some things are worth pausing for, right?

However, I'm buzzing with excitement to dive back into writing this week. My brain's been busy taking notes and pondering some revisions for the chapters I've already penned down. I'm about halfway through, and I'm feeling a fresh wave of clarity and inspiration.

I’m at this interesting transition point in my writing journey. The next few chapters are going to need a bit more TLC. They're sort of like puzzles themselves - needing a bit of rearranging and refining. Who knows, this might even speed things up? Maybe starting afresh on these parts will bring a new clarity to the narrative.

Writing this book is definitely a learning curve, but it's one I'm thoroughly enjoying. Can't wait to see where this journey takes us next!

As always, thank you for being part of this adventure with me. Your support means the world. Stay tuned for more updates - there's a lot more excitement on the way!

Votes totals:

  1. 14 votes

  2. 10 votes

  3. 27 votes

  4. 13 votes

  5. 3 votes

  6. 14 votes

After one final test, the results are conclusive: You prefer a cover with text only, no pictures. Option number 3 was the clear favourite. Your voices have been heard. And it seems Kellie was right once again! She was the first to propose this style of cover.


Thank you, everyone, for your participation in the Instagram voting!


Hello Everyone!

I'm buzzing with excitement as I share a significant milestone in my authorship journey: I've reached the halfway point in drafting my first book! That's right, 50% of the first draft is now on paper (or rather, on the screen). It feels surreal and thrilling at the same time.


My current goal is to keep up the pace of completing one chapter per week. Given this rhythm and assuming the book will span roughly 16 chapters, the finishing line for the first draft is now within sight. This process is teaching me heaps, and I've gathered a treasure trove of notes and insights for the second draft. It's a learning curve, but oh, what a fulfilling one!


Now, let's talk about timelines - something I'm pondering over as much as you might be. Here's the scoop: if I decide to self-publish, and everything aligns, we could be looking at a spring release for the book. However, I'm also contemplating reaching out to a few publishers to explore that avenue. It's all in God's hands, isn't it?


But wait, there's more! Ambitious as it may sound, my aspiration is to release not one but two books in 2024. Yes, I'm quite the NOOB in this authorship journey, but I'm learning and growing every day. Who knows what surprises God has in store?


I'm incredibly grateful for your support and encouragement. It's a journey we're on together, and I can't wait to see where it leads us.


Check back next week for more updates on this exciting adventure!

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